The best lipstick colors for blondes will vary depending on your particular hair color, your skin tone, and how full or thin your lips are. In general, blondes are better to avoid very dark shades of lipstick, though strong colors can look fantastic if they’re applied judiciously.
The best lipstick shades tend to be rich wine colors. You will be on the right track. Blondes with the lightest hair color are perfect candidates for bright tones. If you have fair hair and skin, you can get away with a full range of luscious colors ranging from cranberry to mauve to pomegranate.
Some Lipstick Colors for Blondes
Blondes looking for a Twiggy effect may opt for a nude lip look. Choosing lip liner and lipstick is just a shade paler than your natural lip color.
Apply several layers, and then top the color with a heavy application of clear lip gloss. This look is regaining popularity and it is allowing blondes to go more exotic on the eye makeup while keeping their lips plain.

There are some best lipstick colors for blondes the following:
Bright Pink Lipstick
It is one of the best lipstick colors and this lipstick looks good on blondes for fair skin. It is bright pink. It is highly recommended for girls with pale fair skin like Emma Stone.
Classic with Bright Red
It is making look elegant and it is essential if it is paired with the right accessories to avoid appearing older than age. This color is one of the rocks the deep red and blonde hair combo too.
Feel Warm with Muted Coral
Muted corals are making way this season and it sometimes means too much brightness. But then again, it is working wonders for girls with fair skin, especially if you want a pop of color on the lips.

Ombre and Light Pink Lipstick
The Chanel rouge allure velvet lipstick shade seems light for our skin tone. These borders are being pale; the hair color creates an excellent contrast and adds more texture to her overall look. Must-try lipstick colors for blondes are definitely looking smashing.
Skin with Peach Lippies
The good thing about peach lipsticks is you can wear them every day. Whether you are going to a party, preparing for work, or meeting your friends for coffee, it will never go out of place.
Peach lippies are also perfect for the summer but for the fair-skinned and it sure turned heads at the Golden Globes.